Cucumber reports plugin

    how to generate cucumber reports in intellij
    how to view cucumber reports in intellij
    how to get cucumber report in intellij
    how to generate html report in cucumber in intellij
  • How to generate cucumber reports in intellij
  • How to get cucumber report in intellij.

    Masterthought cucumber-reporting

    Cucumber - Reports

    We do test execution in order to understand the stability of a product, so be it manual test or an automated test, it is very important to generate a concise report that can depict the stability of a product.

    Hence, while we are automating our test scenario with Cucumber, it is essential to know, how better we can generate our Cucumber test reports. As we know that Cucumber is a BDD framework, it does not have a fancy reporting mechanism.

    In order to achieve this, we need to integrate Cucumber with other open source tool like Ant/Junit.

    Here, we will take examples of JUnit further because, it provides support for Java language.

    Let’s look into the details of different report format, which is available and easy to use −

    Pretty Format (HTML Report)

    Pretty Format generates the Cucumber test report in the HTML format, i.e.

    an HTML file.

    How to generate testng report in cucumber

  • How to run cucumber tests in intellij
  • How to get cucumber report in intellij
  • Cucumber-html-reporter
  • Cucumber json report not generated
  • It is the most readable report format. It generates the report in the same way as it is a feature file, so tracing is also made easy. Also, you can specify the location where you want this report to be placed after the t