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Try sitting cross-legged yoga poses to increase flexibility, reduce stress
If you want to prevent any mobility issues in the future, you need to take care of your legs, knees, hips, and ankles. One of the best ways to do that is by practicing yoga on a regular basis.
You must have noticed that yoga sessions usually start with simple poses like sukhasana or the Easy Pose. It is a sitting cross-legged yoga pose that can reduce stress, and improve your posture. There are more such sitting-poses like padmasana or the Lotus Pose that can be beneficial for your lower body.
Sitting cross legged on floorThese poses seem to be simple, but some people can find them challenging due to injuries, and tight muscles. Get the steps right and practice regularly to enjoy the benefits of these poses.
What are the benefits of sitting cross-legged yoga poses?
Sitting cross-legged yoga poses can impact your posture, flexibility, and mental well-being.
Here are some of the reasons why you should perform sitting cross-legged yoga poses:
1. Reduce stress
A sitting cross-legged yoga pose like sukhasana or the Easy Pose encourage
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