Select 3rd highest salary in sql using limit
- how to find nth salary in sql
- how to find nth salary in sql server
- how to find nth highest salary in sql without using limit
- how to find nth highest salary in sql using subquery
2nd max(salary in sql)
Find 3rd highest salary in sql w3schools...
How to find Nth highest salary from a table?
Structured Query Language is a computer language that we use to interact with a relational database. Finding Nth highest salary in a table is the most common question asked in interviews.
Here is a way to do this task using the dense_rank() function.
Consider the following table:
CREATE TABLE emp (emp_name VARCHAR(50),
emp_salary DECIMAL(10,2)
Let’s insert some random data with a random name and then we will look at how to calculate the nth highest emp_salary.
CREATE TABLE emp (emp_name VARCHAR(50),
emp_salary DECIMAL(10,2)
INSERT INTO emp (emp_name, emp_salary) VALUES
('Shubham Thakur', 50000.00),
('Aman Chopra', 60000.50),
('Naveen Tulasi', 75000.75),
('Bhavika uppala', 45000.25),
('Nishant jain', 80000.00);
SELECT * FROM (SELECT emp_name, emp_salary, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY emp_salary DESC) AS r
FROM emp
) AS subquery
WHERE r = 3;
- To find the 2nd highest sal set r = 2
- To find the 3rd highest sal set r = 3 and so on.
- how to find nth highest salary in sql using correlated subquery
- how to find nth highest salary in sql without using subquery