Select 3rd highest salary in sql using limit

    how to find nth salary in sql
    how to find nth salary in sql server
    how to find nth highest salary in sql without using limit
    how to find nth highest salary in sql using subquery
  • How to find nth salary in sql
  • 2nd max(salary in sql)

  • Nth highest salary in sql w3schools
  • Find 3rd highest salary in sql w3schools
  • Nth highest salary in sql server using row_number
  • Select 3rd highest salary in sql
  • Find 3rd highest salary in sql w3schools...

    How to find Nth highest salary from a table?

    Structured Query Language is a computer language that we use to interact with a relational database. Finding Nth highest salary in a table is the most common question asked in interviews.

    Here is a way to do this task using the dense_rank() function. 

    Consider the following table: 



    CREATE TABLE emp (
    emp_name VARCHAR(50),
    emp_salary DECIMAL(10,2)

    Let’s insert some random data with a random name and then we will look at how to calculate the nth highest emp_salary.


    CREATE TABLE emp (
    emp_name VARCHAR(50),
    emp_salary DECIMAL(10,2)
    INSERT INTO emp (emp_name, emp_salary) VALUES
    ('Shubham Thakur', 50000.00),
    ('Aman Chopra', 60000.50),
    ('Naveen Tulasi', 75000.75),
    ('Bhavika uppala', 45000.25),
    ('Nishant jain', 80000.00);



    SELECT emp_name, emp_salary, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY emp_salary DESC) AS r
    FROM emp
    ) AS subquery
    WHERE r = 3;
    1. To find the 2nd highest sal set r = 2
    2. To find the 3rd highest sal set r = 3 and so on.


      how to find nth highest salary in sql using correlated subquery
      how to find nth highest salary in sql without using subquery