How to grow strawberries in pots
- when to plant strawberries in ireland
- when do strawberries grow in ireland
- can you grow strawberries in ireland
- how late in the year can you plant strawberries
Strawberry plants!
Did you know?
We produce the earliest, latest (and tastiest!) strawberries in Ireland.
Read on to find out what it takes to make the most delicious, best quality strawberries...
The lifetime of
a strawberry
Strawberry plants are perennial meaning they can
last a very long time.
Generally, though the lifespan
of a Strawberry plant is 2-3 years.
How to grow
your own Strawberries
There are 3 main ways in which you can grow your own strawberries at home
From a Runner
Strawberry runners are available from your local garden centre.
You should plant your runner in a sheltered spot in your garden which receives lots of sunlight. Add plenty of compost to your soil before planting and make sure to water regularly. Plant your runners at least 30-45 cm apart so they have room to grow, ensuring their roots are buried into the soil.
Growing strawberries in raised troughs
From Seed
Your journey will start indoors if you decide to grow strawberries from a seed. You will need to sow your seeds in a shallow container filled with compost. Sprinkle your seeds on top of the compost and very li
- when to plant strawberry plants ireland
- best time to plant strawberries in ireland