How to take input from user in python

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    how to take input in javascript
    how to get input in javascript
  • How to receive input in java
  • How to take input from user in java without using scanner

    How to take multiple string input in java using scanner...

    Java User Input

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    The most common way to take user input in Java is using Scanner class which is part of java.util package.

    The scanner class can read input from various sources like console, files or streams. This class was introduced in Java 5. java

  • java
  • Scanner java
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  • Before that we use BufferedReader class(Introduced in Java 1.1). As a beginner, we will suggest to use Scanner class.

    Follow these steps to take user input using Scanner class:

    • Import the Scanner class using import java.util.Scanner;
    • Create the Scanner object and connect Scanner with by passing it as an argument i.e.

      Scanner scn = new Scanner(;

    • Print a message to prompt for user input and you can use the various methods of Scanner class like nextInt(), nextLine(), next(), nextDouble etc according to your need.

    Example 1: Here, we are taking integer inputs from the user.


    Enter First Number: 2
    Enter Second Number: 3
    Sum: 5

    Scanner class provides some methods to read different data types:




      how to give input in java
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