Install all kali linux tools on ubuntu
- how to install pentest tools in ubuntu
- install platform tools ubuntu
- ubuntu for pentesting
- pentest tools ubuntu
Install kali tools on ubuntu without katoolin...
A Simple tool for installing pentest tools and forensic tools on Debian / Ubuntu Based OS
How To Do ??
- Change Your Privileges Terminal to Root Mode
- Give Chmod Access Level 777
for install the tools just press number of tools what you want to install it and then press enter and if you want to exit just press 1337 and then press enter or simple way to exit just press CTRL C
List of tools
- Nmap[Network Scanner]
- Zenmap [Nmap Gui version]
- Wireshark [Network Sniffer]
- W3af [Web Vulnerability Scanner]
- Nikto [Web Vulnerability Scanner]
- Whatweb [Web Vulnerability Scanner]
- John [Password Cracker]
- PDF-Crack [PDF Password Cracker]
- FCrackZip [ZIP Password Cracker]
- Ophcrack [Password Cracker]
- Volatility [Digital Forensic]
- Digital Forensic Framework [Digital Forensic]
- GHex [Digital Forensic]
- Aircrack-Ng [Wifi Audit]
- Ettercap [Network Audit]
- Yersinia [Network Audit]
- Packet Sniffer / Spoofing [Network Audit]
- Wafw00f [Web Application Firewall Audit]
- SSLyze [SSL Audit]
- Droopescan [Wordpress, Joomla, And Other CMS Auditing]
- SQLMap [Automate SQL Injection Audit]