Pokemon platinum regigigas event code
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- how to get regirock in platinum
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- how to catch regirock
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Giratina61015 years ago#1
I really need help here.I want to catch the trio,regirock,registeel and regice.But I heard that you have to get a special regigigas in order to catch the trio,and then after catching the trio you can catch the lv 1 regigigas in snowpoint temple.I want to catch them but not doing the event.How can I get them?If it can.
yzman15 years ago#2
Without out the event you can't without hacking.
Regirock platinum
You need someone to trade you the event regigigas.
As I was walking up the stairs, I met a man who wasn't there, he wasn't there again today, I wish I wish he'd go away
Nonparael15 years ago#3
You could catch them in R/S/E and pal park them over, too, but obviously that requires a little more time and money.
It'd at least make it possible to catch the regigigas in snowpoint temple, depends if you care where you get the trio from really.
Gooper_Blooper15 years ago#4
You'll need to trade for the event Regigigas, yeah.
That's how I caught the four Regis. After I caught all of them I traded the event Gigas off to someone else who needed to
- regirock pokemon platinum
- how to get regirock in pokemon platinum