Meaning of irrelevant in hindi
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Irresponsible in a sentence for a child
Irrelevant information 5 examples...
Examples of 'irrelevant' in a sentence
Examples from the Collins Corpus
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His argument ran that the fact is irrelevant to the series ahead.Irrelevant examples
They got three of their own, but they were largely irrelevant.
Old fences, irrelevant sheds and structures, too.
No matter how anodyne, fatuous, sensible or irrelevant.
But the facts of the case were irrelevant.
Irrelevant in a sentence for kids
The pool is largely irrelevant for us.
They have set such irrelevant matters aside.
Tributes to the deceased are not evidence in the case and they are completely irrelevant.
Universities have already become as irrelevant as libraries.Irrelevant sentence in a paragraph Irrelevant sentences worksheets pdf Irrelevant information 5 examples Irrelevant in a sentence for kids Irresponsible in a sentence for a child
Irrelevant sentence in a paragraph
When you are out of power your promise of new politics is irrelevant.
This kind of cricket is totally irrelevant to that which the rest of the world plays.
Those things are almost irrelevant in the urban context as far as their
- how to use relevant in a sentence examples
- how to use the word irrelevant in a sentence