Create unique index in oracle

    how to create btree index in oracle
    how to create b tree index in oracle
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  • Create index oracle example

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    Siebel Analytics Performance Tuning Guide > The Database Servers > Index Selection >

    B-Tree Indexes

    Generally speaking, in an online transaction processing environment, a B-tree is most effective when it is highly selective.

    When this is the case, the index is said to have "high selectivity" because a low percentage of rows in the table have the same index key value.

    General Guidelines

    With high selectivity in mind, evaluate creating B-tree indexes on columns that:

    • Occur frequently in WHERE clauses
    • Often used to join tables (include aggregate tables)
    • Occur in ORDER BY clauses (the index can facilitate ordering)
    • Occur in a foreign key reference constraint
    • Used to enforce PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUENESS constraints

    You can also look at your query workload and identify families of queries that include tight table constraints on tables (point, multi-point, and range queries).

    When you have star schemas, both DB2 and Oracle database servers can exploit multi-column B-Tree indexes to accelerate join processing when they are created over the foreign