Mla in-text citation no page number

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    In academic writing, it is crucial to cite short stories properly to maintain academic integrity and avoid plagiarism. The MLA style guide (Modern Language Association) has specific formatting rules for this.

    How to in-text cite a short story with no page numbers

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  • In MLA, specific components such as the author’s name, the story title within quotation marks, the anthology title in italics, and other details regarding publication like the page number or range, must be included. This allows the readers to find original sources and ensures proper credit.

    MLA Short Story Citation – In a Nutshell

    • MLA short story citation entails a proper introduction of the quoted content.
    • Make sure to write the introduction in your own words.
    • It is always followed up with an in-text citation in accordance with MLA guidelines
    • An MLA in-text citation includes the author’s name and the page number of the quote.

    Definition: MLA short story citation

    The structure for MLA short story citation includes an introduction of the quote in your own words, followed by an in-text citation.

    The in-text citation should include the na

      mla format in text citation play
      example of a mla in text citation