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- how to change a diaper on a plane
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Diaper on plane
The Best Way to Change a Diaper on an Airplane (and a Simple Trick)
Before I knew how to change a diaper on a plane, I figured I’d just avoid the subject completely and hope my kid didn’t need a change while we were in the air.
Our first flying experience was a two-hour flight to Halifax, Nova Scotia, and I didn’t even have to change our baby in such a short span of time.
However, it took our first flight more than six hours (Colombia to NYC) to give up on that, and I was faced with the daunting task of doing a diaper change in an airplane bathroom, high up in the sky.
With a few handy strategies, I did this like a pro!
Find out how to do a diaper change on a flight with some tips and tricks I recommend, as well as my one favorite parenting travel product to make it a cinch.
What to prepare:
Traveling far with your little one?
Check out my list of the best baby travel accessories as well as an international packing list for a toddler.
Bring only what you need
Airplane bathrooms range from small, to smaller. Once you get inside one, you’ll realize that your whole diaper
- how to change baby diaper on plane
- how to change diaper in airplane