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    The best things to do in Malibu

    Photograph: Michael Juliano | |

    Hit the beach, hike through the hills, go wine tasting and more with our picks for the best things to do in Malibu

    While some associate Malibu with mansions perched atop cliffs and surfers bobbing on the breaks, we tend to tie the city to L.A.’s most stunning natural wonders.

    Forget the tarnished glitz of Hollywood and the posh photo ops of Beverly Hills; these things to do in Malibu make us question why we don’t spend every single weekend in the waterfront city. From some of the best beaches around to hiking trails with waterfalls—and a little bit of wine tasting and waterfront restaurants to wind down—we’ve rounded up our favorite things to do in Malibu.

    Just a heads up that you’re probably going to need a car to visit most of these spots.

    Malibu’s scenic landmarks largely hug the Pacific Coast Highway and the beachfront, which runs from west of Pacific Palisades to the Ventura County border. While Metro’s 134 bus will ta

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