Calories burned sleeping vs awake

    calories lost in sleep
    calories burned in sleep
    calories burned in sleep calculator
    calories burned in sleep vs awake
  • Calories lost in sleep
  • Why do you burn calories when you sleep

    How do you burn calories while sleeping.

    You Actually Burn Calories While You Sleep. Doctors Explain How It Works.

    SLEEPING IS A time to rest and replenish, and you know that getting plenty of shut-eye is good for you in many ways.

    Sleep gives you energy and keeps your body working well.

    You probably don’t think of sleep as a time to burn calories, though.

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  • But the truth is your body is always burning some, no matter what you're doing—and that includes being sprawled out across your bed sleeping.

    “The body is always burning calories,” explains Alex Dimitriu, M.D., a double-board certified physician in psychiatry and sleep medicine and founder of Menlo Park Psychiatry and Sleep Medicine.

    Even during total inactivity or sleep, the body’s basal metabolic rate (BMR) reflects the number of calories your body needs at rest to carry out basic functions like breathing, circulation, digestion, and cellular repair, Dr.

    Dimitriu says.

    Your BMR is “essentially the minimum energy required for essential physiological functions keeping us alive,” explains Alex Rothstein, C.S.C.S., coordinator and instructor for

      how much calories burned in sleep
      calories lost while sleeping